Score Integrate


Please verify your email to create API Key

How to integrate

To calculate the score of a score model, first go to the detail page of the score model, then select Copy Score ID

Then choose one of the following integration methods:

Calculate an entity score using the provided API.

Bellow is an http request sample to calculate an entity score. Replace the scoreID with the ID of the score model you want to use and the entityID with the ID of the entity you want to calculate the score of.

curl -k -H "x-apikey: ${your api key}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET "${entityID}?scoreId=${scoreID}"

Calculate an entity score by the score calculation model on your app.

Note: this model only supports the calculation of wallets' scores.

Install Centic Scoring Modal

npm install @centic-io/scoring-modal

Wrap your app inside the ScoringContextProvider

import { ScoringContextProvider } from "@centic-io/scoring-modal"; export const App = () => { return ( <ScoringContextProvider apiKey=${your api key} scoreId=${scoreID}> <YourApp /> </ScoringContextProvider> ); };

The score calculator model can be invoked by calling the start() function provided in useScoringContext() hook.

The score calculated will be saved within the score key provided in the hook

For more detail, please checkout the Doc

Calculate an entity score by using the Centic prebuilt UI.

Note: This method is used to prove the score of an wallet without revealing its address.

Get the UI temporary URL.

curl -k -H "x-apikey: ${your api key}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET "${web2ID}&condition=${condition}&scoreId=${scoreID}"

Redirect user to the requested URL - Verify the url.

curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET "${proof}"
For more detail, please checkout the Doc